Vendor Registration

  • Blue Ridge Unified School District #32 utilizes AZ Purchasing for vendor registration.

    Arizona Purchasing website serves purchasers across different disciplines for the purposes of; developing a central and statewide prospective bidder’s list, posting solicitations and requests for quotations online and to more effectively disseminate solicitation information to the vendor and varied buyer communities. 

    The mission of Arizona Purchasing is to provide purchasers with web based tools to more efficiently manage prospective bidders and solicitations whereby providing effective communication to the vendor community. 

    Arizona Purchasing primarily began with its focus in aiding Arizona School Districts, though it has grown to also help institutions of higher education, as well as municipalities, through the entire State of Arizona.

    Register here to begin using AZPurchasing:

    Statewide vendor registration links:

    To assist vendors with the task of registering with multiple government entities such as the State, school districts, cities, counties and other public entities, click

    Every attempt has been made to provide a link directly to the entity's vendor registration site. Be aware that not all public entities have an on-line registration system.

    This information has been posted as a courtesy to the vendor community.


Material Disposition / Surplus Property

  • Blue Ridge Unified School District #32 works diligently to reassign surplus property to other schools and departments within our district.  Occasionally, unused or obsolete items are disposed of using the methods described  in the Arizona Administrative Code,  R7-2-1131 Material Management and Disposition of the Arizona Administrative Code including the use of internet-based online sales.  

    Items are listed for a period of not less than 14 days for each internet-based online sale during which persons may submit offers to purchase the specified materials.  Click the link below to be directed to Public Surplus, our provider of internet-based online sales:

    Blue Ridge Online Sales Terms & Conditions (Public Surplus)